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Mobile Application Testing Training

This course is designed to provide software quality assurance and testing professionals with the background and tools necessary to organize manual and automated testing efforts for mobile applications. The main objective of this course is to enhance the course participant’s career as a Mobile Test Engineer. This course would be mainly targeted for Android applications. This course surveys the state of mobile technology, focuses on the software quality challenges it poses, and offers ways to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of mobile testing. The course discusses how to integrate mobile testing effort into the overall testing process. The course will have continuous live project demos by our experienced trainer throughout the duration.

Participants will learn

  • What is the state of the art of Mobile world?
  • What are the challenges mobile technologies pose to software QA and testing?
  • How to integrate mobile testing in the overall testing process?
  • How is it possible to automate mobile application testing?
  • What are the criteria for choosing mobile automation approach?
  • What are the main types of tools, their advantages and disadvantages?
Course Contents:


  • Introduction to Mobile Applications 
    1. Components of mobile app
    2. Types of mobile apps – Native, hybrid, web mobile apps
  • Mobile testing tour  
    1. Gesture tour, Accessories tour, Motion tour location-based testing 
  • Mobile testing and its challenges  
    1. Multiple Device/Platform
    2. Non-functional – Performance and Security
    3. Network, Usability and Memory 
  • Mobile testing approach  
    1. Install, uninstall testing
    2. Workflows and feature testing
    3. Scenario based testing
    4. Device interactions
    5. Mobile testing strategy
  • Logging and Diagnosing bugs 
    1. Logging bugs
    2. Analyzing logs using Logcat
    3. Dealing with intermittent problems 
  • Testing sample mobile application  
    1. Testing an app
    2. Class assignment
  • Emulator and Device testing  
    1. What is an .apk file?
    2. Install and configure emulator
    3. ADB commands
    4. Real time testing on a device 
  • Debugging tools  
    1. How to use DDMS
    2. Telnet Android commands for simulating Battery, Network resources.
    3. Memory leaks – How to diagnose 
  • The Android app activity life cycle  
    1. Start activity
    2. Pause and resume activity
    3. Stopping and restarting
    4. Recreating 
  • Code walkthrough  
    1. Code walkthrough
    2. Identify activities, layouts and other components
    3. Build an .apk file 
  •  Selenium: Introduction to Selenium  
    1. Selenium features and its potential
    2. Why AndroidDriver ?
    3. Installing Android emulator and starting emulator
    4. Configuring webdriver apk in emulator
    5. Initializing AndroidDriver
    6. Identifying xpaths, ids and objects in Android
    7. Useragent
    8. Changing useragent in browser to detect/identify elements
    9. Parameterization
    10. Implicit and Explicit wait in Android Driver
    11. Do’s and Dont’s with Android driver
    12. Android Test Framework


Core Java
  • Overview of Java
  • Eclipse IDE
  • Datatypes, Variables, Operators and Arrays
  • Control statements
  • Introducing Class
  • Inheritance
  • Packages and Interfaces
  • Exception handling
  • Threads
  • Strings and collection API
Selendroid: Selendroid setup and architecture.
  • Switch between Native and Web based scenarios automation using Selendroid
  • Use JUnit Framework to demonstrate end to end automation using Selendroid
  • Best practices in Mobile App Testing both Manual and Automation
  • Automate Test Scenarios using Android app
  • End-End Use Case: Automation using a Hybrid framework
  • Installing and setting up Robotium
  • Robotium solo API
  • Tips/Tricks/Issues
  • Project setup
Appium (iOS)
  • Introduction to Test Automation 
  • Introduction to Mobile Application Testing 
  • Benefits of Mobile Test Automation 
  • When and Why to Mobile apps test Automate? 
  • A look at Different Mobile Test Automation Tools
  • Introduction to Appium 
    1. Overview to Appium 
    2. Applicability of Appium
    3. Benefits of using Appium 
    4. Appium Vs Other leading Testing Tools available in the market 
  • Creating Appium Environment
    1. Installing Appium 
    2. Installing a VNC Server on your system-under-test (SUT)
  • Appium Workflow
    1. Open a test suite 
    2. Add system-under-test(SUT) to your connection list 
    3. Open VNC connection to SUT 
    4. Capture images and write scripts 
    5. Typing on the SUT 
    6. Generating Text Images 
    7. Finding Images 
    8. Re-using Code 
    9. Gathering and using Data 
    10. Reading Results 
    11. Organize your Testing 
    12. Trouble shooting a connection issues
  • Appium Features
    1. Testing Android Mobile Application using Appium Demo
    2. Testing Android Application UI Features 
    3. Testing Android Application Rest Services 
    4. Cross Platform Testing using Appium Demo 
    5. Rich Internet Application Testing using Appium Demo 
    6. Confidentia 
  • Hands on Activities
    1. Create Scripts on Appium
    2. Exercises and Case 

United Global Soft Key Features

Expert Instructors

Practical Implementation

Real- time Case Studies

Certification Guidance

Resume Preparation

Placement Assistance

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